On the familiar and the art of anticipation.

Above is Munich University.

Population of Lerwick: 7,500

Population of Munich: 1,378 million

July you are so easy.  Working my old summer job.  Living in the same house I have always lived in.  Everything is so overwhelmingly familiar.  I’m writing this in the room I grew up in, surrounded by all of my things. The wonky shelves that can’t hold too much because my Dad can’t do DIY… the cat paw marks all over my window.  It’s the small things you miss. I am away at University for months at a time – but nothing changes here and it is so effortless just to slip back in.  I really love it here.

But with the easy comes the difficult.  I find it so easy to get stuck here.  Stuck in this room, stuck in the easiness of little Lerwick.  Everything just kind of hangs here. Everyone knows everyone and everything is so comforting and expected. There are no more essays and no more exams. I am so incredibly satisfied yet.. unsatisfied here.  I find myself living free and happy – but I feel so unchallenged. It’s all too simple here. I am filled with a sort-of sadness of my nothingness.  I always feel like I am just waiting here.. waiting to go away again.

I need to be changing something, doing something.  I’m already two decades in and I need to make this count.  I’m wandering off into the unknown that is Germany in 7 weeks and 1 day and I feel excited about this leap of faith.  I need to be shaken up and lose the familiar.  A foreign country, a foreign language and not knowing anyone.  I’m moving to Germany and I don’t really even like meat or beer (help).  But this is the only way I can thrive.  I mean, I don’t even have a place to live yet.  I might not even get home for Christmas.  SO September I am scared of you – I have no idea what you will bring me.   But I suppose this blog and I shall find out together 🙂  It’s strange but it seems like everything feels so much more straightforward when it is out of my control.  I just hope I don’t have to go through any crises (…and yes I had to google the plural of crisis) as I can barely make it to the shop and back without locking myself out or forgetting my purse. When I was younger I thought 20 seemed such an old age, and that you were definitely an adult at 20.  That you had everything all sorted out.  Yeah… nope.  Still waiting on all of that.

I’ll miss the familiarity and everyone.  But I have sort of come to terms with the fact that wherever I am in the world, I will always miss someone.  And I know that all this familiar will still be here when I get back 🙂  Anyway, this blog has rambled on far too much and I have lots of things to do – food to cook, tidying up, tea to drink.

I do wonder if things will all work out. If this is a risk worth taking.  I also wonder if it should be a concern that I’m still scared of the dark?

18 thoughts on “On the familiar and the art of anticipation.

  1. The risk is worth taking! It will change you in so many ways, and open so many doors that you’re not even aware are there. It will be exciting and scary and fabulous!. I love the way you write!


      • Oh haha! Sorry yeah the writing is a bit small and difficult to read.. sort of still working this whole blogging thing out 🙂 but yes – law! really nervous about trying to understand and translate german legal jargon as it is hard enough in English!!


      • Gosh! That is a task!
        Not your fault at all! Just me being dumb!
        So why the move? Just fancy the extra challenge?


  2. I study a LLB law degree with German so I’m going to Germany for 3rd year to hopefully enhance my language skills and get to know the culture and the legal system. I want to do lots of travelling around Europe and just generally get out and about! That’s the plan anyway! I saw in your latest post that you are self-employed, that’s great 🙂 – I would love that kind of freedom!! Looking forward to reading more of your posts.


  3. Hi Jennifer! Welcome to Munich! I hope you enjoy this amazing city, don’t worry, you will have a wonderful time and at the end it will be hard to leave! Good luck with everything, let me know if you need any help 😀

    Liked by 1 person

      • You’re welcome!! Yes it was amazing seeing the Germans win, even though Im Brazilian and lost against them (very ugly haha), but my husband is German and I was really happy for him 😀 and thank you, happy that you liked the look of my blog!


  4. I can relate to all of this…I did an Erasmus in Turku, Finland and it was the best experience I’ve ever had. Enjoy every second of the adventure because I so wish I could do it all over again!


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